American School of Finance

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First, the bad statistics:


of US adults find it difficult to make ends meet in a typical month


of US adults cannot come up with $2000 if an unexpected need arose

Now for the good statistics, and why it matters:


of financially literate respondents spend less than their income (vs 35% with lower financial literacy)


of financially literate respondents set aside 3 months worth of emergency funds (vs 42% with lower financial literacy)


of financially literate respondents have taken steps to plan for their long term financial future (vs 29% with lower financial literacy)


of financially literate respondents opened a retirement account (vs 43% with lower financial literacy)

Reference 1: TIAA Institute GFLEC Personal Finance Index
Reference 2: National Study by FINRA Foundation


After realizing that there is a major financial literacy problem in this country, I decided to do something about it. I decided to launch American School of Finance.

Our mission is quite simple:

We are here to teach financial literacy so that our students will be better off in the future.

Our aim is to make our students self-sufficient.

American School of Finance is an online school to teach financial literacy to kids from Grades 6-12 so that they graduate high school with a solid set of financial skills. We are not making day traders or grooming the next generation of Wall Street pros. We are here to teach them the basics of budgeting, how to manage credit and the value of investing in their future.

Imagine how better off you would be if you:

  • Bought a home at the age of 25
  • Never became indebted by credit cards
  • Started saving for retirement at the age of 22

Go to our schedule and sign up for a class.

Get started now. Classes start soon!

Financial Literacy is defined as “the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial well-being. (President’s Advisory Council of Financial Literacy)

Did you know that a 2022 financial literacy test demonstrated that US adults only correctly answered 50% of the questions correctly?  And 18% of adults only answered 75% correctly? (TIAA Institute – PFIN paper – Yakobowski, Lusardi and Hasler)

To put this in context – approximately 82% of Americans failed or did very poorly on the test. 

When you compare individuals with lower financial literacy – they are:


More likely to have difficulty making ends meet


More likely to be unable to cope with a $2000 financial shock


More likely to lack emergency savings to cover ONE month of living expenses

Do you want your kids to fall into this group? Or would you like to set them on a better path? If yes, then keep reading to figure out how.

14 other reasons why financial literacy is important

Financial Literacy Classes

Grades 6-12
Children and Teenagers

Students come to class with similar age group for 2 nights for about 75-90 minutes. They get about 2.5-3.0 hours of education at start of year (Session A), and then build on that with another 2.5-3.0 hours of education later in the year (Session B). They would then continue with this until they graduate high school.

Cost per session: $199 for Session A and $199 for Session B (total of $398 for the year)

Age 18 and Over

Students come to class for 2 nights for about 75-90 minutes for 1 week. They start with Level A. Then progress to Level B, and Level C.

Cost per session: $199 for Level A, Level B or Level C (total of $597)

Our Expertise

I have been in the banking industry since 2005. I have been a student of finance for 23 years – learning, reading, studying and doing. I went to Northeastern University for my undergraduate degree in business management, and Babson College for my Masters in business.

Our teachers have a solid background in finance. Most importantly they possess the ability to engage our students and teach them.

Our curriculum is based off nationwide standards along with personal experience and expertise. It is age appropriate and relatable to near term decisions. See class schedules for an actual overview of the curriculum.

Register for a Class Today

Start with our introductory class, and then take our other seminars, classes, and gain access to our resources to help you save, invest and manage your money better.


14 Reasons Why Financial Literacy is Important

14 Reasons Why Financial Literacy is Important

Less likely to take on debt More likely to obtain better terms when negotiating More likely to start planning for retirement early in life More likely to seek better returns on investments More likely to seek out better advisors More informed financial decisions...

The Secret to Financial Happiness – Empower

The Secret to Financial Happiness – Empower

Is the key to Happiness found in a dollar bill? While we certainly do not believe so, we do believe that money can make life easier and certainly more enjoyable. The following Empower article contains a great deal of valuable statistics on finance, and its effect on...