CEO/Founder: Stephen R. Friree

After graduating High school at the age of 18, I joined the US Marine Corps. After basic training, I landed on my base and quickly signed up for a credit card. Within a few weeks, I quickly maxed out my $500 limit. Despite the capacity to pay it, I had no concept about budgeting my money, saving money or managing credit.

I then managed my own finances very poorly for many years.

At some point in my lates 20s, I mysteriously became motivated to fix my credit, start saving money and managing my money better.

It then took me many years to really get a hold of my own finances and truly grasp the value of managing my finances and credit well – in addition to saving for retirement.

If only I could have learned about budgeting, credit and managing my own finances earlier, or the value of compound interest and starting to save for retirement early.

Along the way, I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from Northeastern University, and my MBA from Babson College. I have been working in the mortgage business/banking since 2005. Prior to that, I served in the US Marines, and worked in engineering/design for several years.

I live in Newton, MA with my wife and son. Aside from my business pursuits, I love reading and living an active lifestyle which consists of cycling, running, skiing, hiking and pursuing adventure.


We have a rotation of teachers with various backgrounds in finance, education, and banking. All are well versed in financial literacy, but most importantly have the ability to engage and teach our students.