Adult Classes

All classes will be a combination of lecture, interactive, examples, in class practice and take home practice.

  • 2x sessions of 90 minutes for one week – 1x per year
    • A: covers basics and assigns goals and to dos
    • B: reinforces the same, revisits past goals, sets new goals for next
    • C: reinforces the same, revisits past goals, sets new goals for next

Level A

Class summary

    • savings/checking accounts, banks, investing, long term financial concepts and why they matter
    • income/jobs, taxes, budgeting, ACH, time mgmt.
    • Borrowing – credit cards, loans, student loans
    • Assign objective until Level B


  • budgeting, savings, long term financial concepts, bank accounts, borrowing

Level B

Class summary

    • Repeat Level A quickly
    • job, income taxes, career, career growth, raises, saving, retirement
    • careers, auto purchase (loan vs lease vs cash), auto repair/insurance/costs, how to save
    • 401k/IRA, investing, compound interest
    • Assign Objective until Level C


  • job, income, taxes, negotiation, auto saving/purchase, long term saving benefits, 401k

Level C

Class summary

    • Repeat Level A and B quickly
    • mortgages, college/student loans, career growth and movement, negotiating
    • Investing/IRA’s, home purchase, investment property purchase
    • Simple economics, inflation
    • Assign long term plan


  • loans, mortgages, career growth, negotiations, college for career growth, saving/investing, apartment/housing